Saturday, April 5, 2008

April 6 - Easter 3

This was a normal Sunday with three Eucharists in the Parish, and Evening Prayer in Salvage taken by a dedicated Lay-Minister. In the course of the day I also made two pastoral calls.

I love the Emmaus road story from St Luke's Gospel. Luke tells recalls this account for us in 483 words, Mark uses only 32 words giving just the facts.

Todays Collect echoes this Gospel reading very strongly
O God, your Son made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of bread. Open the eyes of our faith, that we may see him in his redeeming work . . . .

The Collect echoes the breaking of the bread and the opening of the eyes of the disciples. On YouTube you will find Open the Eyes of My Heart as sung by Michael W Smith. This is an appropriate song as a reflection of this Gospel, even though it is a song that is not specific to the text, but it doesn't have to be that specific.

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