Saturday, April 5, 2008

April 4

Friday mornings are usually spent preparing for Sunday liturgies. I have to entice 'my secretary' to churn out orderly bulletins, and sometimes 'my secretary' is not always the most co-operative.

Every now and again I hear the sirens of the Fire Trucks sound, as our Volunteer Fire Fighters respond to a call. Today the call was right across the road at Holy Cross School Complex just before noon.

In orderly fashion the students and teachers walked from the school to the Church of the Holy Cross. When I got to the Church most of the students were already in the Church. This is something that they had previously practised in a drill, but today it was no drill. An alarm had been raised. But it was a false alarm - thankfully.

Later in the day I made two visits, and joined others in the evening at a surprise birthday party.

Not a dull day at all!

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