Sunday, April 27, 2008

April 24 - 26

The thirty-fifth Diocesan Synod was held at Marystown. The Rector and two Parish representatives attended on behalf of the Parish of Salvage.
Saturday evening I attended the wedding of a couple who parents I have know for a life time.

April 23

Today we celebrated the life of an "ordinary man", and with that he was a friend — and as a community we grieve – yet we celebrate his life. We celebrate what we as a community have received from this "ordinary man", and what this "ordinary man" has received from us.

Aprl 22

Much of this day was spent with a grieving family and those who visited, both at the funeral home and elsewhere.
Funeral preparations happen – they are not always what we would desire in those moments – but they are the best we can offer in those moments.

April 21

The morning was spent at the Rectory with those occasional matters that need to be attended too. In the afternoon I shared Communion with an individual who has not been able to come out to a service for some time. As well parts of the day were spent with a grieving family. In the evening a Vestry meeting was scheduled for Holy Cross, Eastport.

April 20 - Easter 5

This morning I presided at the Eucharist at Holy Cross, Eastport, with the Confirmation Class in attendance. The two ACW Executives of Holy Cross Church were installed today. These two sister ACWs have worked together for almost one hundred years. As the Executives were installed two sisters, Marjorie (Penny) Hiscock and Carolyn (Penny) Crisby, were installed as an ACW president. Marjorie as president of the Happy Adventure and Sandy Cove ACW, and Carolyn as president of the Eastport ACW branch.

The afternoon and part of the evening were spent with a grieving family.

In the evening I presided at the Eucharist at Saint Alban's, Burnside. At the service a "Thank You" card was presented to a member who has donated an organ to the Church.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

April 19

After arriving back to the Parish I called upon a family that are grieving a loved one and waiting as he is brought back home.

April 17 - 19

The Rector was away from the Parish for personal reasons.

Monday, April 21, 2008

April 16

Today a family laid to rest their mother, who was a song full lady. Many remembered her kindness over the years.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

April 15

Tuesday mornings we sit with Bishop Eddie and read through Colossians. Today we read through to the end of chapter 3.
In the afternoon and evening the family grieving their Mother arrived. They were tearful but thankful to have been loved by such a songful woman.

April 14

During the day a number of visits were made to members of the families who had loved ones recently buried. There was one parochial meeting I attended in the evening. In the afternoon I received a phone call from a family who have just lost their Mother, and they are thankful that they could be there in her dying.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

April 13 - Easter 4

This has been more than a full day. There were two funerals this afternoon of two gentlemen of the Parish. As well were others services during this the Fourth Sunday of Easter.
Both of these gentlemen have been honest hard working individuals. One went from being a cookie working in the woods camps to being a chef at an exclusive fishing camp. He served ordinary woodsman in the camps and millionaires by the river. The other was known as strong man, and he name is more than a clue at that. After cleaning a freshly shot moose - this strong man took a quarter in each hand, and with arms extended carried two moose quarters out of the woods. Such men shall be missed, and their stories will live on.

April 12

Much of today has been spent at the funeral home and visiting with the two families in their grieving.

April 11

Over night two individuals of the Parish died, and another misplaced personal documents — all of this put three families into moments of despair. The one was resolved after some moments of panic, but thankfully all is well with one family.
A number of visits have been made to the grieving families.

April 10

Today I had two parochial meetings. And was at the Rectory in the study for what was left of the day.
As I spoke with two who will venture out sealing over the next few days. For those who live here in this part of world sealing is a part of our lives, though not respected by all. Our fishermen of old always respected the sea – and some had a great fear of the sea as well. Both at fishing and sealing many of our fishers have returned maimed for life — while others never returned.
Respect for those who do their best to provide and make and honest living should be honoured by all.

April 9

Today was spent doing some reading and preparing certificates for two requests. One meeting was postponed from the afternoon, and I made one visit in the evening.

April 8

Attended the Colossians study this morning. We study two verses of chapter three. It's a good study

In the afternoon we had personal matters that were attended to, which meant we were away from the Parish.

April 7

Today was spent reading some and three pastoral visits were made during the afternoon and evening.

In the morning I enjoyed an extra cup of coffee, and wrote three small bits of python code. Previously I have written a couple of perl computer code as well. This is a hobby that is a real contrast to pastoral ministry and contributes to ones' wellness - at least that is the hope of some.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

April 6 - Easter 3

This was a normal Sunday with three Eucharists in the Parish, and Evening Prayer in Salvage taken by a dedicated Lay-Minister. In the course of the day I also made two pastoral calls.

I love the Emmaus road story from St Luke's Gospel. Luke tells recalls this account for us in 483 words, Mark uses only 32 words giving just the facts.

Todays Collect echoes this Gospel reading very strongly
O God, your Son made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of bread. Open the eyes of our faith, that we may see him in his redeeming work . . . .

The Collect echoes the breaking of the bread and the opening of the eyes of the disciples. On YouTube you will find Open the Eyes of My Heart as sung by Michael W Smith. This is an appropriate song as a reflection of this Gospel, even though it is a song that is not specific to the text, but it doesn't have to be that specific.

April 5

Today is a bright and beautiful day. We went for a walk to the beach today — loverly — simply loverly. 'Fish is loverly' don't you know? And this day is 'loverly.' And it's not over yet!

April 4

Friday mornings are usually spent preparing for Sunday liturgies. I have to entice 'my secretary' to churn out orderly bulletins, and sometimes 'my secretary' is not always the most co-operative.

Every now and again I hear the sirens of the Fire Trucks sound, as our Volunteer Fire Fighters respond to a call. Today the call was right across the road at Holy Cross School Complex just before noon.

In orderly fashion the students and teachers walked from the school to the Church of the Holy Cross. When I got to the Church most of the students were already in the Church. This is something that they had previously practised in a drill, but today it was no drill. An alarm had been raised. But it was a false alarm - thankfully.

Later in the day I made two visits, and joined others in the evening at a surprise birthday party.

Not a dull day at all!

April 3

Today I went to see those receiving care at the JPM Hospital. After leaving the hospital I spent the rest of the afternoon visiting at Lakeside. Visiting at Lakeside today I was able to see all the residents there from the Parish, usually I miss an individual because they are off somewhere or out with a family member.

Visiting at JPM and at Lakeside we offered prayers together. It stirs your heart when tears moisten the eyes of those with whom you pray. It stirs your heart when as you pray "Our Father . . . ." voices quiver and some voices grow strong.

One individual who never says much always comes alive when we pray "Our Father . . . ." together. In those moments that individual is truly a witness to me. Easter is always a time when we recall the witness of the Gospels, the witness of the women, the witness of the Apostles', but we should also be mindful of the witness before us in others.

April 2

The morning was spend trying to arrange the schedule for the month of April. Some things required a bit of juggling, but that is nothing new. One attempts to balance the schedule as best one can.

In rural ministry, with a number of churches, the schedule of services is not always the same. A single point parish, an urban parish, can pretty much set a Sunday schedule of services and stick with it making accommodations for Holy Days. One should not view this as a strength or weakness of urban verses rural, but simply a difference. Ministry in urban and rural parishes have different stresses and focuses.

Some of the clergy may be familiar with The Parson's Handbook by Percy Dreamer, 1899. It is a very complete handbook for all matters of the liturgy of the Church, but barely addresses the ministry of the parson beyond the walls of a church building. It is still a rather useful book though, as Dreamer focuses upon liturgical matters exclusively. Wish he wrote more about the maniple though.

Charles R Forder published The Parish Priest at Work in 1947. I came across this book at the Hiscock — Moore Memorial Library. This is an extremely useful book and addresses those matters of pastoral ministry that Dreamer does not. Chapter 28 of The Parish Priest at Work is entitled The Country Specialist, aka &4x2013; the Country Parson. This has been a helpful to read from time to time.

Old books are like old friends — good ones we never grow weary of.

April 1

In the morning fifteen gathered with Bishop Eddie as he has been leading us through Colossians. This morning we read through 3.5-11. For awhile I didn't think we were going to make it to verse six. But a good study raises real questions of life.
The rest of the day was taken up with two parochial meetings.