Tuesday, March 4, 2008

March 2 - Lent IV

Sunday is usually a full day for any clergy. Today was rather full, not a usual Sunday. I had scheduled three services, but cancelled one. Because of recent deaths in the Parish there were two funerals today. One an elderly, stately, gentleman. The second a young person, who tragically died in an accident.
With the two services at which I presided, both being Eucharists, two were baptized at the later service. An Annual meeting also took place. After which I made to visits with bereaved families.
With most of the services others took part. The bereaved families were grateful for the kindness extended to them. In such moments our presence is the greatest we can offer - our words will always be lacking - but never our presence. A simple card, a phone call, and a hug never go astray in these moments.

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