We have just concluded our Ecumenical Lenten Services for 2009. Throughout Lent Trust in God has been a consistent theme that was expressed by the clergy.
Rev'd Betty Harbin summarized it quite clearly:
We are here tonight and we gather as disciples of Jesus and to reflect on what it means to let go of the branch. In one way or another our readings and reflections for these ecumenical worship services this year have been about trust. Father Dino spoke about the trust he placed in God in coming to Canada to minister to the flock in this part of God’s kingdom. Captain Karen spoke about looking up at the stars, as Abraham did, to reflect on God’s promises. Rev’d Paul Vardy talked about trust when he told us about his son’s swimming lessons and the lessons he himself learned through this experience. Father Paul Thoms spoke about trusting God to the extent that we are even able to get angry with him at times. In these Tuesday night ecumenical services we have listened to God’s love song, calling us to trust him and calling us bring others to this relationship of trust. The name of the love song is the covenant and the words are: I will be your God and you shall be my people.
Now we prepare to move towards the Cross on our Lenten journey, into Easter and the joy of Resurrection.
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