Thursday, September 25, 2008

Regional Demographics of NL

Yesterday we had a Deanery Clericus Meeting. Demographics and what is happening to the communities of the Deanery and Province are significant, effecting the life of all who live in rural NL.
I had recently viewed the report that is linked below. So I sent the following to the clericus for their information and to be aware.

Hello Deanery Colleagues:

After our discussion yesterday I thought I would place this link on to you.
This little booklet of demographics highlight what is happening in our diocese and province.

Take a look at page 27 to see results from the deanery.
Glovertown is -9.4% from 1991-2006 which is the lowest change listed for our area, apart from Gander.
Gambo and Eastport have both declined by -17% while New-Wes-Valley by -23.1%

But all is not down in the Diocese - Clarenville is positive with a growth of 17.9%

So there is hope
Paul of Salvage

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