Saturday, August 10, 2013

Introducion - Proper 19 - 2013-08-11

Isa 1:1, 10-20PS 50:1-8, 23-24Heb 11:1-3, 8-16 – Luke 12:32-40
Intro to the Readings
The Collect brings to mind the fruits of the Spirit – love, joy and peace.
Isaiah prophesies to those who live by violence, abomination, and arguing with the Lord.
With the urgency of renewal the Psalmist cries out “God will come and will not keep silence.” God is a consuming fire!
The writer to the Hebrews says that “faith is the assurance of things hoped for” - that which is seen and that which is not visible. Writing for children CS Lewis said “things are not always as they appear.”
Lord Baden Powell’s scout mottol – “Be Prepared” - is a good way to perceive today’s Gospel – “Be Prepared.”

Be Prepared” – hear God’s Good News and live in faith as Abraham, the Father of all, lived in the land of promise so that God’s children may receive their inheritance.