Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Looking Heavenward: Saint Stephen's, Salvage & Igor

Last Tuesday the chancel window of Saint Stephen's - Salvage - fell asunder as the winds of Igor swept through much of Newfoundland - leaving gushing water and craters where roads once were. Houses, building all took a beating, and some gave way to fierce winds, and unrelenting rains that overflowed gullies, ponds, rivers, and streams eroding the toil and creative landscaping of individuals across the Island.

Today, I received two separate phone calls from individuals who desire to help us replace the leaded glass window of Saint Stephen's, Salvage. All who worshiped at this church looked through this window over the past century and a half.

Those who called, and there have been others since, will help a lot, but there is other work to be completed as well to the chancel as we hope to restore the chancel and replace a window through which we look heavenward.

Letter from Bishop David Torraville - re: Igor's devastation

We often give to those far afield who have suffered devastation.
Igor brought devastation into our own backyard.
I received this today from Bishop David Torraville.

Dear Friends,
There has been a great deal of flood damage on the Bonavista and Burin Peninsula as well as in Gambo area. We are making an appeal to our congregations to support the people of these areas through the Diocesan Disaster Relief Fund. We will work with parishes and community agencies in the affected areas to ensure that the money is used most effectively. We would ask for individuals to make a special donation at worship in the next couple of weeks. Place your donation in an envelope clearly marked Diocesan Disaster Relief, with your name and envelope number. As well parishes might like to sponsor an event to raise money for the Fund. May we answer God’s call to service as we help our neighbors.